Coming to terms with the past makes us stronger.

As humans, we live, we learn and when we’re in the right mindset, we learn to let go, which helps us live our lives to the fullest.

Moving forward isn’t always the easy option, but time and time again, it’s necessary and the right thing to do to enable us to truly live. From our attitudes and experiences in the past, we can change and grow, learn and move forward.

Not sure how to though?

Read more from Perth coach, Conrad Francis to explore the concrete steps to your own growth.


Learning from the past, growing in the future


Have you ever avoided a situation because of a negative past experience?

Ever judged someone based on their appearance? Formed an opinion on them before you even met?

We’re all guilty of negative thinking from time to time, and some more than others. Our brains form opinions based on experiences, develop beliefs from other information and media we’ve known, heard, read or experienced.

But has it always helped us?

As a Perth coach, I encourage you to challenge your thought patterns, and give everyone and everything a chance in your life and career.

In your day-to-day life, both personal and professional spheres, give yourself permission to enjoy and learn, and enjoy learning about bettering your future, and changing your ‘now.’



Positive steps with a Perth coach


I love motivating my clients (and even myself) to learn from negative experiences in the past and turn it into something positive for the future and now.


The six simple steps to positive growth:

  1. Reflect and learn from the past, but don’t dwell there. How did you react? How can you change your response to situations out of your control?
  2. Cease pointing fingers and shirking blame. Accept responsibility and accountability for your actions and beliefs. We’re all human and it’s okay to make mistakes, as long as learn from them.
  3. “Your focus creates your reality.” When we focus on the present, we’re not dwelling on the past, or hoping for the future. We’re present in the present and opportunities are endless.
  4. Disconnect for a while and centre yourself.
  5. Forgive those who have wronged you. This includes forgiving yourself.
  6. Make new memories, foster positive social interactions and cultivate encouraging assumptions and beliefs on the world around us.


Changing habits with a Perth life and business coach


It’s never too late to change your thinking. It will make wonders for your interpersonal relationships, career goals and most importantly, within yourself.

The future is now, and now is the perfect time to change your thinking.

A Perth coach will help you change your perceptions, alter your insights and counteract your tightly held assumptions. This will bring positivity into your life, social relationships and career goals.


Need help to learn from the past and grow for the future?

Contact Conrad Francis today and see how a Perth coach will inspire, motivate and change your thinking for better.