A wooden box stands in front of you – inside are the tools to help you reach success.

You might have seen the MasterChef Mystery Box Challenge, where contestants have to prepare, cook and present a dish using only the ingredients inside the box. This time, your wooden box doesn’t contain food ingredients. Instead, it contains ingredients in the form of useful tools to help you achieve accountability and empowerment in your life and finances.

How will you use them?

Read more from Conrad Francis on what to do when you’re given the tools for success in life and finances and how a Perth coach and finance guru can show you how to use your mystery box to master your life.


Ingredient one: Budgeting tool


While ignorance is bliss in some cases, it really shouldn’t be the case with your spending habits. You should know where your money is going and hold yourself accountable for your finances.

Look inside your mystery box, your coach has gifted you with a budgeting tool.

Your budgeting tool is as easy as four simple steps:

  1. Record your income,
  2. Add up your expenses,
  3. Set up a savings goal and
  4. Set your spending limit.

How will you decide to use this ingredient?

There are so many FREE budgeting tools on the internet – where do you start? What do you make and why? Moneysmart is my personal favourite website filled with easy-to-use resources, helping more people take control of their money and build a better life.

Book your complimentary coaching call today to find out how you and your budget could benefit more from a business coach and financial planner.


Ingredient two: Vision boards


If you’re a highly visual learner, this mystery box challenge probably appeals to you.

You’re in for a sweet treat with the second ingredient in your mystery box: vision boards.

Perhaps you’ll choose to dish up some dreamy dessert, with a vision board that’s a tangible and visual approach to your goals. If you want something badly enough, and you visualise it in front of you, you’re closer to achieving your goal, than you think.

Feeling lost with goal-setting? Contact Perth coach, Conrad Francis, today to see how mental goals can be visualised, comfort zones broken and how vision boards improve performance.


Ingredient three: Investment tool


Investing – isn’t that like ingredient one, budgeting tools? The answer is yes – but it’s also so much more (think of this as your main course, if you will). Invest in your assets definitely, but also invest in your career, personal relationships and yourself.

I bet you rarely think about investing in yourself, but this is the key to a positive approach. We could marinade in self-doubt, get burnt-out in a kitchen where we give or take too much – but at the end of the day, you’re investing too little into the piece de resistance that is your life.

With this ingredient, I implore you to:

  • Invest money in savings, property, superfunds and the other assets you desire.
  • Invest time in me-time with yourself and quality and meaningful time in your personal relationships.
  • Invest in a positive approach to life and business with what you come up with from your mystery box coaching tools from your Perth coach.


Why are we using these tools?

  • To cook up fulfilment in our business and personal relationships,
  • To season your positive approach to life and business,
  • To taste the reward of accountability and fruits of your labour.

We use these tools to be accountable for our money and to understand more about our financial health. These tools are free, and it’s up to you to use them to create an entrée, main course or dessert out of your financial tool ingredients.

“Give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat forever.”


Your Perth business and life coach will give you these free tools, but you’re responsible for making masterpieces out of them and using them to add flavour to your life.

Want your mystery box to success? Contact Conrad Francis, your Perth business and life coach, today to reach your potential and become accountable for your success.